Tuesday, May 10, 2011

just a lil' sumpin' sumpin'

Just some odds and ends since I have been such a horrible blogger lately. I promise I will get back in gear - even if it's just posting a little something something... or as the kids say A lil' sumpin sumpin! 
FYI - 'whatcha', if youse ain't from Philly, means "what are you..." or "what did you..."(can also be spelled whaja) lol, 

What's good today? 
hmmm sunshine! warm days (but not too warm) and beautiful cool nights. Good sleeping weather as my Dad would say. Finally time to plant some flowers and almost time for the beach.

What's getting you down today?
Well money, as usual. But I am working on that... literally. And my allergies are tripping! I am allergic to Oak trees (among a few other things like molds,mildew,and certain grasses) and they are thru the roof today on the pollen count.I refuse to believe I have a cold...again!

Whatcha reading today?
I just got Tina Fey's "BossyPants" and it is already cracking me up. Just finished a true crime book called "Mommy's little Girl: Casey Anthony and her daughter Caylee's tragic Fate". It was good. The trial is due to start this week and it was an excellent timeline for the case. Also finished Nora Robert's "Chasing Fire". A definite page turner that I didn't want to put down! Good God I love to read! Yes I read more then 1 book at a time. BUT they are different genre's so I can keep them straight in my brain.

Whatcha watching today?
Well it's May which means Sweeps Month - when all the shows put on the best and the biggest cliffhangers and situations. Tonight it'll be NCIS and Glee. I am stressed a little cause someone from the main cast dies on NCIS and I am wondering who. Taping Glee to watch after and liking the Voice too. May watch that or dvr it and watch Body of Proof. Dana Delaney's new show set in Philly.

Whatcha eating today?
Not enough. Imagine that! LOL I had a breakfast sammich this morning for breakfast. Then pasta salad for lunch. Pasta, cucumbers,broccoli, grape tomatoes and cheddar cheese. Good season italian dressing. mmmmm

Whatcha do today?
I am doing some work for my friend Kyle at his business so that's keeping me busy and I love organizing other people. If only I could learn to love organizing myself. I did that this morning and the past few days I have been putting in 8 hours a day there- I love it!
 Other then that today I have been online and obsessively watching my dog Jack cause he's having some belly issues. My poor baby!

How ya feeling today?
Tired! stuffy, sneezy, grumpy and probably another 3 of the 7 dwarfs as well.

Whatcha missing today?
part of my brain since I am foggy and dumb today. Um... bacon. Which i am craving for some odd reason. A few of my friends who I haven't seen in a while. The beach, and some Crabby Dicks happy hour.

More tomorrow! Promise. Hope you all are well and happy and remembering to laugh! A Lot! ~S


  1. Hope Jack feels better! He has that boo-boo face like my Jakey used to have :(

  2. I can't help with the money but for the allergies...how about a Netti Pot? It clears out the gunk and over time, helps the sinuses...

  3. awww Jersey girl, Jakey! again, So sorry for your loss.I know it's tough and thanks he is feeling better. Karen - thanks! I have heard alot about them and think maybe it's time to finally try one. Off to research on the web! : )
