Thursday, July 8, 2010

Mad Ninja Skills

About half way thru I thought maybe it was getting old, and then I realized "Nope" never gets old! Enjoy the Friday laughs!

Ninja Cat

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I Pray for you... Gotta love this song!

Now listen, I love this song because it's funny. AND yes I have been here before, but not now. I am not angry enough at my ex-bed partner to wish him ill will. So please don't get the wrong idea.

That said I can bet there are a lot of you who will identify with this one. It's definitely a fun one!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Operation 7 Day Facebook Blackout begins...

"cough,couch, ahem, cough... You want me to what??" Pretty much my reaction when my life-coach presented me with my next homework assignment. Deactivate my Facebook account for 7 days. Every time i want to go on Facebook, i will write the outline and if possible, parts of my book.

I accepted because I am currently in a holding pattern, with my toes on the starting line. But no one ever says "GO"! The book I have wanted to write for years is there, but i am holding back on starting it. A fear of the ball rolling faster then I can handle it. And also, I am not one to refuse a challenge. So as of 9am Saturday July 3rd I have been Facebook free. You will not be able to see my profile at all either.

Now listen, when Saturday, July 10th, 9am rolls around, believe me... I WILL reactivate my account. I love and get too much out of my Facebook interactions to give it up!

But hopefully, when I complete this assignment and sign back on to Facebook, I will also have an outline for my book completed and I'll be ready to keep rolling. Um let me rephrase that...not hopefully, but DEFINITELY!