Hot enough for you??
Hmmm actually no, I love it when my knees sweat. WTF?? Who knew you had sweat glands on the front of your knees? Especially my knees after all the surgeries I've had. But... i digress.
Yes, once again, it appears that Mother Nature has gone off of her meds for the past 11 days, and it is hell on earth temperature wise. While I may live at the beach, we were actually hotter than most - It hit 103 on Saturday. And for those who say it's not the heat, it's the humidity... yeah yeah yeah - it was and is humid too.
Saturday 7/7/12 - 11:30 am
The thing about living in a resort town is, when it's hot EVERYONE is out and about. Up in PA where I used to live you wouldn't see anyone in this weather. Down here, everyone is heading to the beach. People are ugly too - heat makes 'em craaaazzzy! Driving like idiots and angry at the world.
BUT at least we have had electric this whole time... God bless air conditioning,right? But man those poor folks in Jersey and Virginia - how the hell do you live in a house without electric in this weather. Ugh - hopefully they are all up and running now.
Now that's hot!
I hate sweating... hate it. I am ready to cut my hair off in some cute short style because it's always up and out of my face. But i'm not a tiny girl so I am afraid I will look like a pea head on an apple body. We'll see. With my work schedule and lack of funds I haven't even hit the beach or pool recently either. I had a procedure done a few weeks ago that kept me out of the water for a while too (cardiac catheterization) which will be in another blog.
I love the water tho - back a few years ago when I was working out in the pool doing water aerobics and water jogging I was obsessed. I would go every day and ended up losing close to 30 pounds without breaking a sweat. See, if I don't have to sweat (in the pool you can always dunk your head) I actually enjoy exercising.
So yes, it has been hot enough for me. I am looking forward to a high of 86 tomorrow (should i wear a jacket?) and spending some time outside in the fresh cooler air. And I dream about winter, when I can wear my sweaters and my flannel jammies and scarves.
Of course I am so glad that the news is giving us that great advice they give every time it's hot too. I mean if they didn't tell me to "drink enough water" and "wear loose clothing" I would be running around in spandex, drinking hot chocolate. Oh and the "stay inside if possible" advice...I never knew!
Where ever you are, I hope you can stay cool enough to not sweat.